Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why - The MBA journey in the language of Limericks ...

Originally Posted: Feb 9, 2007


Here's the story of a young Indian boy,
It's the truth, the whole truth and no lie;
He decided one day,
To do an MBA;
And then everyone started asking him, "Why?"

The friends with whom he was rooming,
Said, "If you really want your career zooming,
Try for IIM-A,
Why the US of A?
When the economy in India is booming!"

His parents were quite happy with his choice
But Mom in her worried maternal voice,
Felt natural to express,
A very slight distress,
"Why not nearer home, like most of the other boys?"

His parents' wishes he always heeded
But global experience and exposure he needed;
So one day he sat,
And took the GMAT,
Thus the MBA process was well seeded!

The long essays that he had to write
Kept him busy very late in the night;
Articulation of vision,
Rewording and revision,
And voila! ... He had just got it right!

Each school had its own quirks and fuss
Different questions and topics they discussed;
But soon he was done,
Coz common to each one,
Were "Why MBA?", "Why now?" and "Why us?".

His lengthy tryst with this Question continued
When with the Darden School of Business he was interviewed;
There was no hesitation,
Just a realization,
That by now all answers for "Why" were imbued.

(For the following flowery prose, I beg pardon)
Soon life starts resembling a rosy garden,
With bright cherry trees,
And busy bumble bees,
For he finds out he has been admitted to Darden!

At last he goes up to his boss
Who is juggling with figures of margins gross;
And tells him, "This is,
My one month notice."
To which the boss for words is at loss.

"Why, Oh Why do this to your upcoming career?
You're eligible for a large promotion, my dear;
Heed my advice,
And take up this nice
Long term onsite opportunity for a year."

To this our young friend then replies,
"I've had it up to my neck with the Why's!
Maybe then and now
I'd like a little How
Even a Who, What, Where or When would be nice!"


Blogger Muthukrishnan Rajaram said...

hey roshan! :) good post.
the MBA news - glad.
all the best.
hoo haa.

September 6, 2008 at 4:00 AM  

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