Sunday, April 13, 2008

Word of the Day

Originally Posted: Sep 12, 2007

A message from our newly appointed Word of the Day rep ...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As your newly appointed Word of the Day (WOTD) Czar, I have a couple of announcements:

1. My executive WOTD committee and myself are in negotiations to define rewards for covert delivery of the WOTD, and penalties for being ‘compromised’. Please forward any suggestions on penalty / rewards to me for consideration.

2. We have a new (tentative) weekly feature: Phrase day! Extra points! See Thursday.

3. Your words of the day for the remainder of the week are:

bo•na fide –adjective 1. made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud: a bona fide statement of intent to sell. 2. authentic; true: a bona fide sample of Lincoln's handwriting.

Phrase day: ‘My momma used to say…’

And finally, please keep in mind WOTD etiquette:
1. Section E should not ‘compromise’ a covert WOTD delivery in class though your collective reactions/ laughter!
2. Section E members should buy those with successful attempts a cup of coffee at first coffee until further arrangements are made, preferably while saying things like, ‘Man it was so cool when you told Haskins that ‘my momma used to say THIS is bona fide standard costing’!’

Good luck!


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